Friday, 25 October 2013

An Ode to Myself - Inspired by Pam Ayres!!!

I thought I  would Blog while I finish my Becks, while I finish all my swearing or try refrain with Bloody Heck, when the last mistake you make is just the daftest one yet, when you spend hours on a DT card with a Stencil you didn't get, when you cover it all over with shades of lovely Blue then you realise it wasn't sent it was a gift to yourself from you, but its the best background you've made from your DT's in this batch so you try to find a stamp that possibly could match, when you have made a moody sky and think it looks just fine, then you realise this particular sky should be glowing with sunshine, when your Gelli plate is working hard but the colours just aren't right, is it, at this point do you think, that its time to say Good Night?  When the music goes from your favourite tune to just a load of noise when you're muddled and confused because you have too many toys, (not that you're complaining - no way!) when the lack of sleep is kicking in and messing with your head I really think this is the point when I should go to bed!!! Just one more cup of Tea I think and one more Gelli Print, because I have discovered a new way to mix the paint and the ink! But this weekend I have booked myself in a two day sessions with Hels, get the Melt Pot at the ready and your embellishments as wells? (you try finding something that rhymes with Hels)!!  So I really must adjourn and say to you good night and get these bloody jeans off because they really are too tight!  I will be missing for a few days because I have a deadline to meet some socialising to do and a couple of meals to eat!! So Gut Nacht, Good Evening, Avior, to you, I hope you enjoy this weekend and whatever it is you do!!

A Bit of Eye Candy because I never Blog without it
This is a card I did a long time ago that was never used,
I was so pleased with my Brayered background at the time too ???

Have a good weekend.
and Carry On Crafting!!!


  1. lol, know exactly what you mean xxx

  2. poor Sam. you need a well deserved break and how better than to spend a couple of days with Hels? Au revoir xx

  3. LOL. What are you like?

    I hope you're having fun with Hels. x

  4. Hi Sam, hope you have enjoyed your weekend with Hels....and your melt pot.....
    I am so pleased that all the above are not just me......the number of times that I spoil my samples.....right at the end....and wish that I had walked away five minutes earlier... forward to our catch up at the NEC....hugs....Jo. X


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